Love Is Love Is Love
I Am Speaking
These are just some of the words that have made their way onto my wrist in the last week or so. I love words. Just ask my kids :)
The world is so crazy right now. Insane weather, hellish heat, COVID variants that just won't quit, terrible, awful, acts of violence, divisive political agendas, and so on and so on....but I digress.
A sweet stroll through one of my favorite spots in Cape May, The West End Garage inspired me to come home and start making these kitschy, fun bracelets. With important words on them, I think they become something more of a statement. Got any good words I could use? Let me know!! Then, I will start perfecting my technique for finishing off the string and closure for the bracelets. Details! I hate the little details!
Back to West End Garage. Such a great place to shop! New stuff, old stuff, handmade stuff, stuff for kids, adults, dogs, you name it! I especially love the artwork showcased there by a very talented painter named Sean Taylor . I mean you HAVE to check out this guy's work. It's mesmerizing!!

It's even better in person!
All of this creative beauty and I am reminded that I have not had the opportunity to decoupage much lately. And boy does that make me sad. Earning a living should not mean that you can't do the things that make your heart sing.... am I right?!
I need to figure out a way to incorporate my decouper longing in to my regular life. As a matter of fact, GUESS WHAT. I have been monitoring my blood pressure at home- I have for years (5 kids and that sphygmomanometer is like a rollercoaster). That's right- sphygmomanometer. Look it up. I included a link for you. You're welcome!
ANYWAY I have been monitoring the BP, and ever since taking the time to create and relax and make those bracelets, my blood pressure has improved significantly. Like by a LOT. Our bodies and minds just need some time to get their groove on together. Seriously.
I hope you have enjoyed some of my words, and also the beautiful image of Sean Taylor's work. One day, I hope to proudly hang one of his pieces in my home. For now, nose to the grindstone and mind on the creativity!
Happy Summer Everyone!